"Electrifying theatre"
- Back Stage

Jill Hill in The Eccentricities of a Nightingale - photo by Craig Schwartz


Why Join LORT? Artists Rep Explores the Process - American Theatre

Artists Rep Transforms its Home into an Incubator for the Future of Local Theatre Portland Monthly

RADIO PROGRAM: A Day in the Life of Artists Rep's "ArtsHub" - Oregon Public Broadcasting "State of Wonder"

The Politics of Collaboration - Oregon Artswatch

Theater Builder - Portland Mercury

Rodríguez Boomerangs Between Two Cities - LA Stage Times

Q&A Artists Rep's New Artistic Director
 - Portland Monthly

Artists Rep Announces New A.D.
 - The Oregonian

Playhouse Protégé - Los Angeles Times

Furious Explosion
 LA Stage Magazine

Mad Talent - Pasadena Weekly

The Determined and the Furious
 - Los Angeles Times

That's Quite an Entrance
Tu Ciudad Magazine

Newly Jobless in Pasadena; Director Dámaso Rodr
íguez Tackles the Great Depression in Seattle
 - Los Angeles Times

The Pain of Creating "The Pain and the Itch"
 - Los Angeles Times

Interview: Desire Under the Elms
Pasadena Sun

Interview: Blithe Spirit Part I

Interview: Blithe Spirit Part II 

RADIO INTERVIEW:  Steve Julian interviews Kelly McGillis & D
ámaso Rodríguez about the Pasadena Playhouse revival of The Little Foxes - KPCC Southern California Public Radio